Get involved

As a story teller : As a lister : As an author : As a networker

‘Voices Unheard,’ which is all about sharing stories that have been left untold. The only thing we need now is YOU.

The power of storytelling is undeniable! telling our stories can be a powerful and transformative experience 

The Invitation:

We want to take your untold story into the world… in the way you want it told… in a way it can be heard.

We know that by sharing your private experiences, you can help others (who share that experience) feel less alone. And we want to create an audience for your story by helping people hear what they might find difficult to hear.

We are looking for people who want to get involved in our work in three ways:

1.     As storytellers, where we record your story over zoom and turn it into a video feature to be shared with the world. (It’s important you know that you keep full control over how your story is presented.)

2.     At one of our private events

3.     As authors, where we work with you to create a script of your story to be brought to life by professional actors.

We will provide expert support to all storytellers so you feel confident in front of the camera from one of our professional performance coaches.